Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can You see the artist Mirta Kupfermink's Photo in this digitized image?

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Making It Hot

 Alien Invasion


 Get out that pool 

This is Bull Crap           


 Better not be Doing anything I Wouldn't 

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Charles Csuri, The father of digital art

A Link to Charles Csuri’s Digital Graphic Art
A link to Charles Csuri’s Geography

            Charles Csuri was born July 4, 1922.  He is a specialist in the field of Computer graphics (animation, and digital art).  And note this, was once a college football player.  In 1964 Csuri made the first computer art in 1964, being recognized as the father of digital art.  Now that is big; when your recognized as the father of your craft that mean you’re more than good and experienced at what you do.
Charles Csuri was so passionate about what he did that he set up a computer graphics research group.  He then became co-founder of the first computer animation production companies.  He even received an award for the best individual artist in 2000. 
I personally chose to research Charles Csuri because his style of digital art caught my eye.  His work is daring, colorful, and not too abstract.  The image of the two horse remind me of a dream.  The man in back of the horse looks as if he is trying to tame the horse.  My interpretation of it is wild horses in a meadow.   His art is just beautiful and most linear, where the viewer is still able to recognize the shapes. 
In my art i like to tell a story about my life experiences or others.  I also am a perfectionest, and like Charles Csuri, my art is based on portraying the human figure in many ways.